Point lets you create a point on
a curve at a distance from a reference point.
Select On curve.
In the
Point box, select a reference point.
If this point is not on the curve, the minimum distance between the point and
the curve is computed. If no point is selected, the curve's extremity is used
as reference.
Select one of the following options in the
Distance to reference area to determine where
the new point is to be created:
Select how the distance is to be measured:
Click Reverse Direction to display either the point on the other side of the
reference point (if a point was selected originally) or the point from the other
extremity (if no point was selected originally).
Select the Repeat Object after
validation check box to create equidistant
points on the curve, using the currently created point as
the reference.
OK to create the point.
If the curve is infinite and no reference point is explicitly given,
by default, the reference point is the projection of the model's
If the curve is a closed curve, either the system detects a vertex
on the curve that can be used as a reference point, or it creates an
extremum point, and highlights it (you can then select another one
if you want) or the system prompts you to manually select a
reference point. Extremum points created on a closed curve are
aggregated under their parent command and put in no show in the tree.
If the input point is selected automatically and you change the
type, it is not retained to the new type. For instance, an extremum
feature would not be retained if you
change its type from On curve to Coordinates.
If the input for the curve is a feature, and an extremum point
exits on this curve, the point is used as reference point. If the
input for the curve is a part of a geometric feature (here an edge),
and even though an extremum point already exists on this geometric
feature, a new extremum is created.
If you change the type of an explicit point lying on the curve to
On curve and select the curve
on which the point lies, the point's original position on the curve
is retained for a few seconds.