Transfer Elements from the View Plane to the Section Plane

Once a section is edited and new wireframe elements have been created, these elements are contained in the view plane and may be transferred back to the section plane.

This is true for elements:

  • created under a 2D-view section group or directly under the 2D-view section
  • whether wireframe or non-wireframe
  • within the view plane or otherwise
  • for elements contained within a sketch or Generative Shape Design features extracted from a sketch.

The transfer may generate elements out of the section plane, however every element contained in the view plane will generate an element in the section plane.

Before you begin:
  • You must have access to the Automotive Body in White Template app.
  • Create a representation with a solid, a surface and a volume, for example.
  1. Double-click the 2D-view section in the tree to edit it.
  2. Select the 2DView->Section transfer tab.
    The elements than can be transferred are displayed in the right-column list.

    This list contains all the features contained in the 2D-view section node in the tree ( Generative Shape Design or Sketcher, within groups or not, wireframe or not, contained in view plane or not).

  3. Choose the element to transfer (here Curve.1 ) from the right-column list and click the green arrow.
    It is transferred to the left column list.

    • You can also choose the element to transfer by selecting the element from the 3D work area. If element is in the right column list then it is transferred to the left column list and vice-versa.

    • Elements created by editing the section group are identified with an asterisk and are strictly contained in the view plane.

  4. Select the group where to transfer the elements in the list.
  5. Click OK.
    The element is added to the tree under the 2D-view section node as Section transformation.x and displayed in the work area: