Isolating Geometric Elements

You can isolate a geometric element, that is, you can cut the links between a feature and the geometry used to create it.

Before you begin:
  • Create a 3D shape containing a plane created with an offset of 20mm from a pad face.
See Also
Creating Datum Elements
Right-click the plane and select xxx object > Isolate .
The geometrical link between the plane and the face is no longer maintained. This means that the face is no longer recognized as the reference used to create the plane, and therefore, you can no longer edit the offset value.

The way the plane was created is ignored. You can check this by double-clicking the plane: the Plane Definition dialog box that appears indicates that the plane is of the explicit type.

In the tree, the app indicates isolated elements via a red symbol in front of the geometrical element.

  • An isolated feature becomes a datum feature.
  • When elements are imported using the multi-part links (external references) or using a Copy-Paste As result with link, the Isolate command is unavailable through the context menu. Use Links & Relations instead. For more information, see Assembly Design User's Guide: Links and Relations.
  • Following surfacic and volumic Part Design features can be isolated in the Generative Shape Design apps:
    • Fillet (all types)
    • Close Surface
    • Thick Surface
    • Boolean features, namely Add, Remove, Intersect and Union Trim
    • Chamfer
    • Draft
    • Shell
    • Pattern (all types)
    • Sew Surface
    • Thickness
    • Autofillet
    • Remove Face.

    However, isolation is not available for the solid Part Design features.