Displaying Global Strategies

You can define strategies for 3D shape or features. Each strategy will have dedicated specifications.

Before you begin: Open an existing 3D shape containing a large variety of Generative Shape Design features.
  1. From the Resilient Modeling section of the action bar, click 3D Shape update modes .
  2. In the 3D Shape update modes dialog box, you can select one or more strategies:
    Check BoxDescription
    Ignore Input
    • Select this check box to ignore an input when it is not available during feature computation.
    • The features Polyline and Join can benefit from this strategy.
    Adapt input with Near/Far
    • When a feature is in error because of a geometrical or topological change in one of its inputs, the feature adapts the input locally. The feature may not have right connexity.
    • Select this check box to apply Near/Far operation on top of the computed result to keep only one domain.
    • Select the type of operation Near or Far according to the requirement.
    • This strategy is implemented for the following features:
      • Point on curve - if the input curve has multiple domains.
      • Circle with center and axis - if the axis has multiple domains.
    • In the Reference box, select a reference plane or a datum feature as a reference element to be used for the Near/Far operation.
    Allow partial result
    • Select this check box to automatically compute a partial result when a complete computation result is not possible.
    • The Sweep and Offset features can benefit from this command.
    • The computed result is same as the one computed using Fill twisted areas option in the Sweep command dialog box and Automatically computes sub-elements to remove option in the Offset command dialog box (but the tricky faces are not taken into account in this option).
    Overcome failing operations
    • Select this check box to automatically copy the main input result to the current feature when the feature computation fails.
    • The specifications of the current feature are ignored. Only the first input of the current feature is copied as result if the current feature is in error.
    • The following features can benefit from this strategy:
      • Modification features - Split, Trim, Join and so on.
      • Contextual creation features - Projection, Transformations, Offset, Parallel Curve and so on.

    Note: In the 3D Shape update modes dialog box, you can select the option with 3D shape name as the label to apply all the strategies when none of the strategies is selected independently.

  3. Click OK.

    • Each action will have an impact on all the existing Generative Shape Design features of the current 3D shape.
    • The newly created Generative Shape Design features will inherit the applied strategies.

    In the specifications tree, different masks appear on the features when you define or apply a strategy.
    • A gray mask appears when a strategy is defined locally for the feature.
    • A blue mask appears when a global strategy is already applied to the feature.
    • A violet mask appears when a strategy is applied locally to the feature.