Hide/Show a geometric Feature Set
The context menu allows you to hide/show a geometric set or an ordered geometric set whether current or not.
Hide/Show a geometric Feature SetThe context menu allows you to hide/show a geometric set or an ordered geometric set whether current or not. Hide/Show Contents of a geometric Feature SetThe context menu allows you to hide/show all features in a geometric set or an ordered geometric set (even sketches), whether current or not. Hide/Show an Element While in a CommandThe context menu allows you to hide/show an element of the current geometric set or ordered geometric set, while using a command. Hide/Show an Element Belonging to an Ordered geometric SetThe context menu allows you to hide/show a modification feature. If a modification feature is put in no show, all features absorbed by this feature are in no show too.
Right-click the element (Split.1) to be hidden from the
tree or the geometry, and select Hide/Show from the context menu.
As Extrude.1 is absorbed by Split.1, Extrude.1 is also put in no show. Hide/Show command Elements According to Their TypeYou can hide/show all elements of a document, according to their type.
To do this, select Show or Hide in the
context menu of the 3D Part in the tree and select the adequate element type (All
Points, All Lines, All
Curves, All Sketches, All
Surfaces, All Planes, All geometric
Sets, All Bodies, All Axis
Systems, All Elements, All Selected
Elements, All Except Selected Elements).