Create an Axis System from Coordinates and Geometry
From the Wireframe section of the
action bar,
click Axis System
The Axis System Definition
dialog box appears. The axis system's parameters Origin,
X axis, Y axis, and Z
axis are automatically computed, and Default
(Computed) appears in the boxes.
Select the Axis system type.
Optional: Select a point to position the Origin of
the axis system.
Optional: Right-click the Origin box and select
Insert Wireframe > Create Endpoint from the context menu to specify an end point of an element as origin.
Optional: Right-click the Origin box and select
Coordinates from the context menu to define a point by coordinates as origin.
Optional: Select a line as input for the X
The X axis becomes collinear with the line. The other directions are
automatically computed if they are not defined.
Optional: Click the Y axis.
The Y axis is reversed.
Optional: Right-click one of the axes boxes (X
axis, Y axis, or Z axis) and
select Coordinates from the context menu to define axes by coordinates.
Optional: For the Standard axis system type,
select an existing axis system as Reference.
Optional: Click More... to display the coordinates
of origin and X, Y, and Z axes.
Optional: Clear the Current check box.
The created axis system is not defined as the active
axis system. Instead, the absolute axis system becomes the current axis system. Note:
default, this check box is selected. You can change the default setting in > :
- In the Standard Definition dialog box, select
Category: 3DModelingDefaultValues and in the Standard area.
- Select the required default setting in the Current list
Optional: Clear Under the Axis Systems node check
In the tree, the axis system is created either in the current geometric set or right after the
current object in an ordered geometric set. In this case, the axis system becomes the
new current object.
This option is persistent and remains active until you modify it
again. It is not stored in the feature.
Click OK.
The axis system is created. When it is defined as current,
it is highlighted in the tree.
Optional: Right-click the axis system in the tree and select Axis System.x object > Set As Current.
The axis system is now current and acts as reference axis system.
- Optional:
Right-click the axis system in the tree and select Axis System.x object > Move under Axis
The axis system is moved to the Axis systems node.
- You can use the Shift key while creating the axis system to
select the implicit elements belonging to the axis system. For more information, see
Generative Shape Design User's Guide: Selecting Implicit Elements.
- There is associativity between the feature being created and the current local axis
system. Therefore, when the local axis system is updated after a modification, all
features based on the axis direction are updated as well.
- The display mode of the axes is different depending on whether the three-axis system
is right-handed or left-handed and current or not.
Right-handed + Current |
Right-handed + Not current |
Left-handed + Current |
Left-handed + Not current |




Create an Axis System using the Robot
Drag the Robot onto a 3D model where you want to create an axis system.
From the Wireframe section of the action bar,
click Create axis system from robot
This command is only available after dragging the Robot onto a 3D model.
An axis system is created in the tree under the Axis Systems node, respecting the current Robot definition.
Edit an Axis System
Double-click the Axis System.1 in the tree.
The Axis System Definition dialog box appears.
Modify the values in the dialog box.
Click OK.
The axis system is modified.
Double-click the origin of the axis system in the 3D area to use
the Robot for editing the axis system.
The context toolbar and the Axis System Definition dialog box appear.
Optional: Click Robot
in the context toolbar.
The Robot is attached to the axis system.
Manipulate the Robot.
Click OK in the dialog box.
The axis system is modified.
Right-click Axis System.1 in the tree and select Axis System.1 object > Isolate in the context menu.
Local axes are fixed. If you want to constrain them, you need to isolate them before
defining constraints, otherwise you would obtain over-constrained
The axis system is defined independent of the geometry.
Click OK.
The axis system is modified.
Editing the geometric elements selected for defining the axes or the
origin point affects the definition of the axis system accordingly.