Creating Polar Extremum Elements

You can create an element of extremum radius or angle, on a planar contour.

Before you begin: Create a 3D shape containing a sketch or a curve and a point. Extremum Polar
See Also
In the Knowledge Base
How is it possible to ensure that the Polar Extrumum command result in the creation of a point only?
  1. From the Wireframe section of the action bar, click Extremum Polar.
  2. In the Contour box, select a connected planar sketch or curve on which the extremum element is to be created.
    Important: Non-connected elements are not allowed.
  3. In the Support box, select the supporting surface of the contour.

  4. In the Origin box, specify the axis origin.
  5. In the Reference direction box, define the direction to determine the axis system in which the extremum element is to be created.
  6. Click Preview.
    Depending on the selected computation type, the results can be:
    • Min radius: the extremum element is detected based on the shortest distance from the axis-system origin.

    • Max radius: the extremum element is detected based on the longest distance from the axis-system origin.

    • Min angle: the extremum element is detected based on the smallest angle from the selected direction within the axis-system.

    • Max angle: the extremum element is detected based on the greatest angle from the selected direction within the axis-system.

    Important: The radius or angle value is displayed in the Polar Extremum Definition dialog box for information.
  7. Click OK.