Instantiating Power Copies Using a Catalog

You can instantiate power copies using the catalog once they have been created.

Before you begin:
  • Ensure you have the 3D Templates Capture license.

  • You need to have a catalog available, created using the Catalog capability, see the Component Catalog Editor User's Guide.
  1. Click Catalog Browser .
    If accessing a catalog for the first time, you need to navigate to the catalog location. This location is stored in the settings for faster access later on.
  2. Select the catalog containing the power copy you want to instantiate.
  3. Select the power copy to be instantiated.

    You can do any one of the following:

    • Drag and drop it onto the reference element.
    • Double-click the power copy.
    • Right-click on the power copy in the dialog box and use the Instantiate context menu.

    From then on, you instantiate the power copy as described above starting on step 3. The feature defined as the current object corresponds to the last instantiated component of the power copy.

  • Working with the datum mode is independent from the instantiation type: indeed power copies behave as a Copy as Specified and not as a Copy as Result. For more information about the various formats available when pasting elements, see 3DEXPERIENCE Native Apps: Using the Paste Special... Command.
  • A dialog box allows you to select alternate document access methods. See 3DEXPERIENCE Native Apps: Opening Existing Documents Using the Browse Window.