Restoring a Surface or Curve

You can restore a trimmed surface or curve to its original shape.

The limits can be restored/untrimmed when a curve or a surface has been split using

  • Break Curve command with Edge trim option or
  • Break Surface command with Face trim option.
  • When the surface has been trimmed several times, it is the initial surface which is restored. To partially untrim the surface, you need to use the Undo command immediately after the trim.
  • When the surface to be restored is closed (in the case of a cylinder) or infinite (in the case of an extrude), the limits of the untrim feature will be the bounding boxes of the initial surface. Therefore, the initial surface and the untrim surface may be identical.
  • You can individually select a vertex or a boundary from the restored surface or curve.
  • Multi-selection is available and allows you to create several untrim features in one step. All untrim features will appear in the tree.

Before you begin: Open a 3D shape with trimmed geometry.
  1. From the Prepare section of the action bar, click Untrim .
  2. Select the surface to restore.

  3. Click OK.
    The initial surface is automatically restored.
    Note: If the surface is extrapolated by other commands such as Trim or Split before using Untrim, it cannot be restored to its original shape.

Example of a local untrim on a face

You can perform a local untrim on faces. Three modes of selection are available:

  • Selection of the face: the initial surface is restored:

  • Selection of an inner loop: only this loop is restored:

  • Selection of the outer loop: only this loop is restored: