You can create a plane normal to a curve at a specified
Before you begin: You must create or include a 3D Shape
containing geometry.
From the Geometry
section of the action bar, click Plane.
Select Normal to curve.
In the Curve box, select a reference curve.
By default, a plane normal to the curve is displayed at
the curve midpoint.
Select another reference point in the Point box.
On the selected point a plane normal to the curve is displayed.
If the point does not
lie on the curve, the plane is aligned to the normal
projection direction from the point to the curve or
its tangential prolongation.
Select the Ratio of Curve Length check
The Ratio value specifies the plane
distance from the curve origin proportionally to the total
By default, the value is 0 and the plane
position at the curve origin. With value 1, the
plane position is at the endpoint .
Point box is disabled as
with this option, a reference point outside the
curve cannot be selected.
Change the Ratio value using the spinner.
The plane is moved along the curve.
Click Reverse Direction to reverse the
curve direction.
Click OK to create the plane.
The plane
(identified as is added
to the