Edges to Heal
- Edges to Heal
- Displays the list of edges to heal.
- Continuity
- Defines the
continuity: Point or Tangent.
- Distance Objective
- Defines the distance to be reached in respect with the point continuity, i.e. the
maximum gap allowed between two healed elements.
- Tangency Objective
- Available for a Tangent continuity.
- Defines the angle to be reached in respect with the tangency continuity, i.e. the
maximum allowed tangency deviation allowed between healed elements.
This tab lets you freeze elements, i.e. define elements that
will not be modified.
You can either select
specific elements to freeze, or select automatically all planar elements or
all canonical elements.
- Elements to
- Lists the elements selected.
- These are elements that
should not be affected by the healing operation.
- You cannot
freeze edges to be joined. If you want to do so, you first need to
freeze the faces.
- You can
edit this list.
- Freeze Planar elements
- Freezes all planar elements found in the
selection to be healed.
This option is inactive on edges adjacent to surfaces that are not
- Freeze Canonical
- Freezes all canonical elements
(including planar elements as they are canonical elements) found in
the selection.
This option is inactive on edges adjacent to surfaces that are not
Available for a Tangent continuity. Provided the Tangent continuity mode is active, Sharpness lets you retain sharp
edges, by clicking the tab and selecting one or more edges.
- Edges to
Keep Sharp
Defines the sharp edges that must remain sharp. You can edit the list.
- Sharpness
- Defines the maximum value of the angle below that an angle is
considered as sharp.
This can be useful when offsetting the resulting healed geometry for