R2022x FD01 (FP.2205)
Check and RepairBenefits: Imported models are given the quality level requested by 3DEXPERIENCE.
For more information, see
Checking and Repairing a Model
R2022x GA
Support of Polyhedral GeometryBenefits: The app is more efficient and robust.
For more information, see
Comparing Two Models
Shape Healing FeaturesBenefits: You can use the features as geometrical results, within any role.
Check and RepairBenefits: Imported models are given the quality level requested by 3DEXPERIENCE.
For more information, see
Checking and Repairing a Model
Multiple ExtractBenefits: You can create multiple extracts within Shape Healing.
For more information, see
Extracting Sub-Elements