- Select the surfaces.
- From the Object
Properties, click Apply Boundary Options
- To display the boundaries:
- Choose to display or not internal edges.
- When the
Internal edges
check box is not selected, you analyze the geometry of the boundaries of the surfaces.
- When the Internal edges check
box is selected, you analyze the internal edges, that is the boundaries of the faces that make the surfaces.
- Customize the display of edges.
The boundaries appear as blue lines and points. You can change the color of the lines and
points, the type, and thickness of the lines and the symbol of the
points using the Color
Line Type,
and Point Type
lists. - Click Apply for a temporary display.
- To analyze the boundary, select the Threshold check box,
enter a threshold value and click Apply.
- If the distance between two consecutive
curves is less than this threshold value,
there is no discontinuity in the boundary.
- If the distance between two consecutive
curves is higher than this threshold value, there is a discontinuity.
A red information flag appears with the value of the distance.
The discontinuity appears as a red line
between the closest extremities of two consecutive curves, with points representing those extremities.
The lower right corner of the red flag is positioned in the middle of
the red line.
- Select surfaces and click Remove Geometrical Display
to erase the display. - Click Remove Geometrical Display
again to exit.