About the Heart Model

The Heart Model includes the definition of a sequentially coupled electrical-mechanical analysis of a beat cycle with a one-second duration, which corresponds to a heart rate of 60 beats per minute, a typical adult (resting) heart rate.

This page discusses:


The following sections discuss the Heart Model geometry, material properties, loads, boundary conditions, and analyses definitions. Results presents a series of results, including some that are clinically meaningful. You can use Abaqus/CAE to examine and modify the model attributes and view additional outputs more relevant to your particular applications. Verification and Validation discusses model verification and validation.


The Heart Model is a complex, multiphysics model, and you should thoroughly review this documentation before modifying the Heart Model. You should pay special attention to Tips for Using the Heart Model and Tools for Modifying the Model that describe how you can modify the model and prepare the modified model for simulation with Abaqus. For example, the topics describe how you can add a device to the model, change model parameters, and remesh sections of the model.


The heart electrical model uses a consistent set of units as shown in the table below.

Table 1. Electrical Model Units
Lengthmillimeter (mm)
Timemilliseconds (ms)
Voltagemillivolt (mV)
Conduction parameter(mm2/ms)

The heart structural model uses a consistent set of units as shown in the table below.

Table 2. Mechanical Model Units
Masstonne (t)
Lengthmillimeter (mm)
Timeseconds (s)
ForceNewton (N)
MomentNewton-millimeter (N-mm)
StressMegapascal (MPa)

Version Information

This release of the Heart Model has been developed and tested with Abaqus® 2022 and 3DEXPERIENCE R2018x FP.1814. It is expected that the model will work with any later maintenance release of Abaqus and 3DEXPERIENCE.