The following strain energy potential governs the deviatoric response:
the following table defines all the parameters:
Table 1. Holzapfel Deviatoric Parameters
Governs the isotropic response of the tissue
Governs the additional stiffness in the fiber
Governs the additional stiffness in the sheet
Governs the coupling stiffness in the
and -directions
The first deviatoric strain invariant
A pseudo-invariant defined as
A pseudo-invariant defined as
Right Cauchy-Green deformation tensor
Vector in direction
The following equation governs the volumetric response:
the following table defines all the parameters:
Table 2. Holzapfel Volumetric Parameters
Multiple of bulk modulus
The third deformation gradient invariant
The Heart Model calibrates the values of the parameters such that the
myocardial strains predicted by the simulation compare favorably to those
experimentally measured by
Genet et al. (See the figure below.) Because
Genet et al. assumes a transversely isotropic response, the material response
of the sheet and normal directions is identical.
Comparison of Passive Material Response Between Genet et al. and
the Heart Model