Summary of Simulation Results

The key model results are summarized for the third cardiac cycle (steady-state is achieved after the third cycle and there are only small changes in the values in subsequent cycles).

The key model results, shown in the table below, are clinically meaningful and have been published for normal hearts in reputable sources as referenced. The Heart Model results show good agreement with those presented in the literature.

OutputModel ResultPublished Normal RangesReferences
L. Ventricle (LV) Ejection Fraction 57%>50% Phibbs
R. Ventricle (RV) Ejection Fraction45%40–60%Normal Hemodynamic Parameters
Max LV Pressure134.3 mmHg100–140 mmHgKlingensmith et al.
Min LV Pressure–1.1 mmHg3–12 mmHgKlingensmith et al.
Max RV Pressure28.8 mmHg15–30 mmHgKlingensmith et al.
Min RV Pressure0.65 mmHg2–8 mmHgKlingensmith et al.
R. Atrium Pressure Range1.1–4.7 mmHg2–6 mmHgNormal Hemodynamic Parameters
L. Atrium Pressure Range 3.3–16.2 mmHg4–12 mmHgNormal Hemodynamic Parameters