Defining a Hanger

You can create a hanger by defining its head and foot, ports, and attributes.

Before you begin:
  • Assign the hanger attributes table in the Hanger Application Resources set in the Data Setup.
  • Open a product that contains a 3D part and at least two axis systems.
    Following is an example of a 3D part with 2 axis system and a volume.

  1. From the Definition section of the action bar, click Hanger Definition .
    The Hanger Definition (New) dialog box appears.
  2. Select the product.
    The name of the selected product part appears in the Name of feature box. However, you can enter the required name. The Definition List displays all the 3D axis systems in the selected product.
  3. For each axis system, select the axis type from the list.

    Important: For each hanger, only one axis type can be defined as a Head.

  4. Optional: Select a predefined volume.

    The selected volume is considered for interference computation and space allocation.

  5. Expand Port Editor.
    The Head Axis Plane box displays the name of the plane of axis system that is defined as a head axis type.
    Warning: You cannot select a plane of the other 3D axis system.
  6. Optional: Under Port Editor, define the entry and exit ports.
    1. Under Entry Plane Elements, click Add.
    2. In the Port Location dialog box, specify the entry point location and select the base plane.
    3. Click .

      You can create several ports.

      To modify or delete any port element or port reference, select the required row and click Modify or Delete respectively.

    4. Under Exit Plane, enter the offset.

      A plane is created and the name of the plane is displayed.

      Important: The exit plane is shared between all the ports and is always parallel to the head axis plane.
  7. Expand Attribute.

    It lists the hanger attributes and their values. These attributes are retrieved from the hanger attributes table.

  8. To manage the attributes,
    1. Click .
    2. In the Attributes Filter dialog box, select the required attributes you want to specify for the hanger and click OK.
    The Attribute frame displays the filtered attributes.
  9. To modify the value of an attribute, double-click in the Value column and select or enter the required value.
    The icon is displayed in the modified attribute row.
  10. Click OK.
    The hanger is created and the product icon is modified. If the ports are defined, the Publications node is also created.

Tip: To modify the hanger, select the defined hanger and click Hanger Definition . The Hanger Definition (Modification) dialog box appears. You can modify the defined axis, ports, and attributes.