Managing Route for HVAC Components

Analyzing Networks

You can highlight connected networks and the possible paths between the To and From components of a given network.

Before you begin: In a diagram view, connect components.
  1. In the Analyze Networks dialog box, click the From object box, and then select the component from which you want to start the network analysis.
  2. Click the To object box and select the component ending the network to be analyzed.
  3. Optional: If there is more than one path, you can select the other paths in the Current path box.

    Note: Select All Paths to display all the possible paths.

    The selected path is highlighted in the diagram view.

    The Number of object in the current path box displays the number of components contained within the connected network.

  4. Analyze the network according to the following legend:
    The represented object belongs to the selected network.
    The represented object is one end of the network.
    The represented object is connected to objects that are not represented in the diagram view.
    The object associated with the representation has been deleted or is not loaded in session.