About HVAC Logical Systems

The topic deals with basic information you should know before creating HVAC logical systems.

This page discusses:


The following is a summary of what the HVAC logical objects stand for.

HVAC Logical References
HVAC components and equipment aggregate HVAC ports.
Connectivity between two components. They aggregate HVAC end ports.
Line ID
A logical transport system to transport medium from one object to another.

Below are examples of a line ID:

  • HVAC logical lines transport air.
  • Instrumentation logical lines transport instrument signals (hydraulic, pneumatic and electrical).

Line Members
A group of objects that constitute the logical line are considered the members of the logical line. A logical line can include both logical objects and physical objects. The logical object members of a line ID must be somewhere under the immediate parent system of the line ID.
HVAC Port Types
  • End Ports: only duct objects have end ports.
  • HVAC Ports: for connectivity between HVAC components.
HVAC Diagrams
These diagrams show the detailed design of an HVAC logical system.
View of a HVAC logical system:


To create an HVAC logical system, the HVAC Systems Design license is required.