Calibrating Human Proportions

You can calibrate humans proportions with HMD controllers to ensure your human avatar accurately follows your movements in a VR environment.

Before you begin: Make sure the SteamĀ® VR environment is correctly installed with VR controllers and the HMD is turned on and well calibrated.
See Also
Viewing Immersive Virtuality Content
  1. From the Human VR section of the action bar, select a human and click Calibrate Human Proportions .
  2. In the Calibrate Human Proportions panel, hold your controllers and follow the instructions until the end of the process.

    • To move to the next step, press the right part of the controller's trackpad.
    • To move to the previous step, press the left part of the controller's trackpad.
    • To restart a step, press the upper part of the controller's trackpad.
    • At the final stage, you can export calibrations results in a file that you can import later.