Accessing Part Administration

This topic describes accessing part administration.

  1. From global toolbar, click Tools > NPD Admin >Part Administration
    The Part Administration page has the following sections:
    Field NameDescription
    Part TypeDisplays the base part type, you can add or remove the base part type in the Part Type list using the options on the toolbars. Only those Part Types defined in Part Administration are displayed in the Part Types Search Results page or Part Type drop-down list in the Create Requests page.
    Part FamilyDisplays the part family associated with the base part type. You can add or remove the part families in the list using the Add or Remove options next to the Part Family box.
    RequestThe requests that can be created on the base part type. You can add or remove requests using the Add or Remove options next to the Request box. Use All option to associate all the requests to the base part type. The Requests attached to the Part Type in Part Administration will be shown during creating a request for the part types.
  2. After entering the field values use the following:

    Button NameDescription
    ApplyClick to save the changes and the page refreshes with the changed values.
    DoneClick to save the changes and the page is closed.
    CancelClick to close the page, if you close the page without using Apply the changes are not saved and the page is closed.