Configuring CIFS Mount using Sharity GUI

This topic describes Configuring CIFS Mount using Sharity GUI.

  1. Go to /app/sharity/sbin.
  2. Type ./sharity.initstart to launch the sharity daemon.
  3. Go to /app/sharity.
  4. Type mkdir mountpoint
    This creates the directory that will be used as the mountpoint for sharity.
  5. Go to /app/sharity/bin.
  6. Type ./Sharity.
  7. Click Mount.
  8. In the Mountpoint field, type/app/sharity/mountpoint.
  9. In the Mounted Object field, type \\<winservername>\<shareddir>.

    This is the directory that has been shared on the Windows server where AdLib has been installed.

  10. Click OK
  11. The second line of the Sharity Mounts list displays the added mount.
  12. Close Sharity 2.8.

    Use the following steps to verify the Mount Point installation

    1. Go to /app/sharity/mountpoint..
    2. Type ls
      You should see all the directories/files listed under the Windows shared directory on the mounted object.