Creating a Branch on a Bend

You can create a branch on a route bend.

Before you begin: Open a product containing a route with a bend.
  1. From the Fluid Design section of the action bar, click Create Route .
    You switch to the HVAC 3D Part Design app and a yellow symbol appears on each node of the route.
  2. Click the bend on which you want to create the branch.
  3. On the context toolbar, click Create Branch on Bend.
  4. In the Branch on Bend panel, select one of the Branch Mode.
    • Radial: creates a radial branch that is normal to the centerline of the bend.
    • Axial: creates a branch following the direction of the segment.
  5. If you have selected Radial as Branch Mode, perform the following actions:
    1. Click the green point to toggle between the bend ends.
    2. Drag the linear manipulator to define the branch point position.
      You can also enter a value in the Angle or in the Snap Step boxes from the Branch on Bend panel.
    3. Drag the branch preview to modify its orientation.
    The following picture illustrates the different graphic elements in Radial Branch Mode :

    • 1: branch length manipulator
    • 2: branch preview
    • 3: linear manipulator
    • 4: active bend end
    • 5: reference line created between the center point and the active bend end. The rotation angle displayed in purple is measured in reference to this line.
  6. If you have selected Axial as Brancn Mode, perform the following actions:
    1. Click the green point to toggle between the bend ends.
    2. Drag the linear manipulator to specify the axial offset distance.
    3. In the Branch on Bend panel, specify the radial offset distance. The radial offset is the distance between the branch and the center line of the main route.
    4. Drag the branch preview to modify its position.

    The following picture illustrates the different graphic elements in Axial Branch Mode.

  7. Drag the branch length manipulator or click to validate the branch creation.