Managing Slack on a Flexible Route

You can adjust the slack on a duct segment of a flexible route.

Before you begin:
  • Open a product containing a flexible HVAC route.
  • In the Flexible Route Definition dialog box, select the Standard algorithm in the Build Algorithm list, and then select Slack in the Build Mode list.

    In Slack(%), specify a slack value that applies to the whole flexible route. For more information, see Editing Properties of Flexible Routes.

  1. Double-click the duct segment that you want to edit, and then click it again.
  2. On the context toolbar that appears, click Define slack between two points , and then select one of the following options:
    Global slack Applies the slack value defined for the whole flexible route in Slack (%) to the edited segment.

    Global slack is the default option.

    Local slack Lets you specify a slack value that applies only to the edited segment.

    The Local slack corresponds to the slack value that you can add to or subtract from the Global slack value.

    Enter a Local slack value and press Enter.

    Note: You can specify a negative Local slack value for a segment. The Local slack value of the segment can be inferior to the Global slack value. However, the slack of the segment must remain superior to 0% to maintain the flexibility of the whole flexible route.

    Ignore slack Nullifies any slack for the edited segment. The segment forms a straight line.

    Note: When you ignore slack on a segment, and if there is a tangent on the two points, the tangent must be collinear with the direction made by the two points.
  3. To exit the command, do one of the following:
    • Click Exit and Activate Parent to exit the command and activate the parent product.
    • Click Exit .