Orienting a Part

You can orient a part by rotating it on an axis using the Orient option. This option is also available when you place a part on a route.

Recommendation: The Orient command is deprecated. To orient a part, use the Adjust Layout command. For more information, see Adjusting the Layout.

Before you begin: Open an object containing one or several parts you want to orient.
  1. From the Fluid Design section of the action bar, select Manipulate Mode as process mode.
  2. From the Selection Options dialog box, select Part Selection .
    For more information about the different selection options, see Selection Options and Process Modes.
  3. Select the part in the 3D area.
  4. On the context toolbar, click Orient .
  5. From the Orient panel, select the options of your choice:
    Selection Type

    Manipulate : allows you to orient the part by dragging the green line.

    Select Port : allows you to orient a part according to two selected ports to connect them. If the directions of the two ports are parallel, then the ports will be oriented so as to face each other. If their directions are not parallel, the ports will be oriented so that their directions intersect.

    Note: If you want to orient a part with three ports or more, then you can choose the rotation axis.

    Face Normal : allows you to orient a part according to the intersection of two planes.

    Select point, line, or plane: allows you to align the free port of the part to:

    • a point: the selected point and the direction of the free port are in the same plane
    • a line: the selected line and the direction of the free port are in the same plane
    • a plane: the normal of the selected plane and the direction of the free port are in the same plane

    Define Axis defines the axis of rotation by selecting a line.
    Ruler Mode

    Global Ruler Mode : 0 is located on the Z axis.

    Local Ruler Mode : 0 is in the plane created by the current segment and the previous segment.

  6. Use the handle to orient the part.

    You can also click the ruler value and enter an angle value.

    Tip: To quickly access the ruler value, press the Space key, enter a value and press Enter.