Connect Checker Analysis Dialog Box

The Connect Checker dialog box appears when you select Connect Checker Analysis in the Analysis section.

This dialog box contains controls for:

This page discusses:


The Elements area displays wireframe elements involved in the connect checker analysis.

The list of wireframe elements as source: curve, surface, match constraint feature, or match constraint root node from the tree.
The list of wireframe elements as projection target: curve or surface.
Important: Target is only available with:
  • Curve-Curve Connection and Projection filter types.
  • Surface-Surface Connection and Projection filter types.


The Type area defines whether filters are applied.

Important: When no filter is selected you are working in implicit mode, otherwise in explicit mode.

Filter according to the pair of wireframe elements:

Curve-Curve connection
Defines an analysis between curves only.
Surface-Surface connection
Defines an analysis between surfaces only.
Surface-Curve connection
Defines an analysis between surface and curve.

Filter according to the connection mode between two wireframe elements:

Defines an analysis with curves extremities or surfaces borders.
Defines an analysis with a curve extremity and its projection, or a surface border and its projection.


The Quick tab defines the quick analysis mode.

Defect Overlap
Analyzes the overlap defect, analysis display is green-colored.
/ G0 Continuity
Analyzes the continuity in point from the tolerance value, analysis display is red-colored.
/ G1 Continuity
Analyzes the continuity in tangency from the tolerance value, analysis display is yellow-colored.
/ G2 Continuity
Analyzes the continuity in curvature from the tolerance value, analysis display is blue-colored.
/ G3 Continuity
Analyzes the continuity in tangency curvature from the tolerance value, analysis display is cyan-colored.
Important: These types of continuity are mutually exclusive except for Surface-Surface connection where types of continuity can be combined.


The Full tab defines the full analysis mode options.

The Continuities area contains the following options:

/ G0 Continuity
Analyzes the continuity in point.
/ G1 Continuity
Analyzes the continuity in tangency.
/ G2 Continuity
Analyzes the continuity in curvature.
/ G3 Continuity
Analyzes the continuity in tangency curvature.
Defect Overlap
Analyzes the overlap defect.
Important: These types of continuity are mutually exclusive.

The Display area contains the following options:

Limited Color Scale
Displays the Connect Checker Analysis limited color scale dialog box.
Full Color Scale
Displays the Connect Checker Analysis full color scale dialog box.
Displays the spikes corresponding to the distance at each point.
Displays the curve connecting all spikes.
  • Limited Color Scale and Full Color Scale are mutually exclusive.
  • The color scale dialog box is available only when the Connect Checker Analysis command is running:
    • When you end the Connect Checker Analysis command, even if a color scale mode is On, the color scale dialog box is not displayed.
    • When you edit a connect checker feature and when a color scale mode is On, the color scale dialog box is displayed.

The Amplitude area contains the following options:

Auto Scaling
Defines whether auto scaling of comb is enabled.
Defines the comb amplitude value.
Multiply by Two
Multiplies by two the comb amplitude value.
Divide by Two
Divides by two the comb amplitude value.
Important: Value, Multiply by Two and Divide by Two are only available when Auto Scaling is disabled.


The Connection area defines connection options.

Minimum Gap
Defines the lower limit from which the analysis checks for connections.
Maximum Gap
Defines the upper limit above which the analysis does not look for connections.
Ignore Small Free Edges
Ignores the connections involving free edges of length less than the maximum gap specified.
Note: You can use this option only for the connections between the free edges, not for the internal edges of a surface.
Internal Edge
Defines whether internal edges of joined elements are analyzed.


The Information area defines information options.

Defines whether the minimal value is displayed in 3D.
Defines whether the maximal value is displayed in 3D.
G1 values within range 0 to 90 degree
Defines if G1 values will be displayed between 0 to 90 deg when enabled or between 0 to 180 deg when disabled.
Important: When this option is enabled and G1 > 90 deg, the displayed value is 180 deg - G1.
Angle between osculator planes
Defines whether the angle between two osculator planes is computed.
  • Only available for G2 continuity and Curve-Curve connection type.
  • This information is only available for Full analysis mode.
  • The angle value is displayed only when the value is greater than 0.01 deg.

    Moreover a white circle enables to locate the point where the osculator angle has been computed.

Concavity Defect
Defines whether the concavity defect area is displayed.
  • Only available for G2 continuity and Surface-Surface connection and Surface-Curve connection types.
  • This information is only available for Full analysis mode.
  • A white area indicates all points where a concavity defect has been detected.


The Discretization options define the number spikes displayed in the comb.

Light Discretization
Displays 5 spikes.
Coarse Discretization
Displays 15 spikes.
Medium Discretization
Displays 30 spikes.
Fine Discretization
Displays 45 spikes.

Light Discretization enables you to obtain consistent results with the visualization of sharp edges. An edge is considered as sharp if its tangency deviation is higher than 0.5 degree. To only detect tangency deviations on sharp edges, specify a deviation of 0.5 degree minimum. To visualize sharp edges, ensure the View > Render Style > Shading with Edges and Hidden Edges option is selected.

These options are mutually exclusive.

Max Deviation

The Max Deviation area displays the maximal deviation values for G0, G1, G2 and G3 continuities.