Styling Fillet Dialog Box

The Styling Fillet dialog box appears when you click Styling Fillet in the Surface section of the action bar.

This dialog box contains controls for:

This page discusses:

See Also
Creating a Styling Fillet

Support 1

Select surface set 1
Lists the surface elements selected in the Support 1 area.
Enable curve 1 set
Lists the curve elements selected in the Support 1 area.

You need to click Enable curve 1 set to make this option available.

Trim Support 1
Trims the surfaces selected in the Select surface set 1 box.

Support 2

Fillet Type
Lists the surface elements selected in the Support 2 area.
Enable curve 2 set
Lists the curve elements selected in the Support 2 area.
Important: You need to click Select curve 2 set to make this option available.
Trim Support 2
Trims the surfaces selected in the Select surface set 2 box.
Note: You can directly select non G0 continuous surfaces as support for the styling fillet creation without the need to create a join.

Edge Fillet

When Fillet Type is selected, support fillet type is enabled.

When Fillet Type is cleared, edge fillet type is enabled. This mode allows you to create edge fillets by selecting multiple sharp internal edges or faces having sharp internal edges. The Support 1 area changes to Object(s) to fillet and the Select object(s) to fillet box is available in this area.

You can use the Tangential Propagation contextual command available on the Select object(s) to fillet box to fillet the entire edge and possible tangent edges.

  • If the Tangential Propagation contextual command is cleared, the selected sharp edges are highlighted in the work area to display the edges being used as input elements to perform the Styling Edge Fillet operation.
  • The edge fillet type cannot be combined with the creation of a variable fillet, therefore, Variable \ Partial Fillet option is disabled.

Spine, Point

In case of a fillet between two surface elements with a spine, you can select a point on the previously selected spine.


Defines the order of continuity between fillet and reference surfaces.

The Continuity contains the following options (exclusive choice):

Applies G0 continuity.

It is not relevant to call this option a G0 fillet, but it is useful in some cases to be able to access this functionality without changing the command.

Applies G1 continuity.
Applies G2 continuity.
Applies G3 continuity.
Continuity Tolerances
Use the following options to define the continuity tolerances while creating fillet:
Defines the tolerance below which elements are considered as G0 continuous.
Defines the tolerance below which elements are considered as G1 continuous.
Defines the tolerance below which elements are considered as G2 continuous.

These options are applicable to fillet supports and ribbon. The values specified for these options are applied between the faces of the fillet.

When modifying the tolerance values for a Styling Fillet feature, the result is re-computed in order to keep the tolerances, if possible.

Radius Parameters
Defines the fillet radius value.
Min Radius
Defines the minimum radius in the middle of the fillet.
Important: This option is available only with G1, G2 and G3 continuity mode and is not compatible with True Minimum option.
Relative Radius
The rolling ball has a maximum radius R and a minimum radius r. The minimum radius of the fillet surface equals the Min Radius of the Options tab where the rolling ball has its minimum radius r. The minimum radius r is divided with the minimum radius and we have the quotient q. This quotient q is hold along the fillet curve in direction of the rolling ball. The result is that the minimum radius of the surface at the point where the rolling ball has its maximum R has the value R/q.
Example: You have a fillet surface with Variable Radius R=60 and r=40.
The Min Radius is 20. 20mm is the minimum radius of the Fillet Surface at the point where the Radius is r=40.
The quotient q is: q=r/20=2.
The minimum radius of the fillet surface at the point where the radius is R=60 is R/q=60/2=30.
This option is only available if Variable Radius is selected.
Arc Type
This option influences the fillet surface only in fillet direction and is only available for G1 continuity mode. Use this option to create a fillet with specific order and segmentation as follows:
Order 6 and Segment 1 (creates a circular Bezier approximation).
The circle arc is a polynomial with only one segment and within tolerance to the exact circle arc. In this case, the resulting surface is a polynomial surface.
If you have required a mono patch approximation it is a Bezier surface (polynomial surface with one segment in both direction U and V).
In all cases with Approx the resulting surface is not a simulated Bezier mesh.
Order 4 and Segment 1.

Order 3 and Segment 1 (creates a rational surface with true circular sections).

The circle arc is an exact representation with a rational BSpline curve.

Consequently, the created surface is a polynomial surface with Approx option and it is a rational BSpline surface with Exact option.

Fillet Type
The Fillet Type contains the following options (exclusive choice):
Variable \ Partial Fillet
Activates variable radius. You can create a Variable \ Partial Fillet using input geometry with different configurations:
  • Intersection: Input surfaces have a common edge or are split at the intersection curve.
  • Split intersection: Intersecting surfaces with no common edge.
  • No intersection of the input surfaces.
Chordal Fillet
Instead of the radius, the chord length of the cross-sections defines the fillet.
Note: You can now use Chordal Fillet and Variable Radius options simultaneously to create a variable chordal fillet.
True Minimum
Trace curves are computed depending on G2.
This option is only available with G2 continuity and Min Radius option cleared.
Note: Nevertheless, the minimum radius is available and acts as the value for True Minimum.
Extrapolate Side1
Extrapolates the result with side1.
Extrapolate Side2
Extrapolates the result with side2.
Relimit Side1
Relimits the result with side1.
Relimit Side2
Relimits the result with side2.
Trim Face
The result is a face.
Trim Approx
The result is not a face.

Extrapolation options are unavailable when the support 1 or support 2 set contains at least one curve.

If both input sets have more than one surface and the boundaries of the surfaces are not exactly on the same position, the result is a (very) small surface.
Small Surface - Stitch
The small surface can be stitched with one of the neighbor surfaces. It is not the hand of the user to select this neighbor surface. The small surface looks to which of its neighbor surfaces it fits better.
Small Surface - Rip
The small surface is (along its diagonal) divided into two surfaces. Each port is joined its boundary surface.
This option is only of interest if the result consists of several surfaces which shall be joined to one surface. Join is only possible if the translation condition between the surfaces allows to join then with G2 continuity.
Logical Join
The Logical Join option allows you to use the logical join tolerance in case the factory resolution is too restrictive.

When the Logical Join option is selected, depending on the Scale chosen in Me > Preferences > Common Preferences , Constraints and Dimensions tab, Dimension Style section), the following logical join tolerance is applied:

  • Large Scale: 10mm
  • Small Scale: 0.001mm
  • Medium Scale: 0.1mm.


Selects the approximation type:
This option is only available with the G2 continuity and controls the minimum radius.
Max Order and Max Segment are cleared, as these parameters cannot arbitrarily be specified.
For the maximum order, the value is internally set to 7, the maximum number of segments is unlimited.
Max Segment is cleared. Only the order can be specified.
For the segmentation preset default values are used.
All parameters can be specified arbitrarily. A deviation from the tolerance specified is possible.
Set Tolerance
Defines the tolerance value. This tolerance value will be used for the creation of the fillet.

Note: You can set the approximation tolerance value equal to or less than the value specified for G0 continuity tolerance. Both of these tolerances are consistent with each other.

Geometry in Trace Direction
Max Order
Specifies the maximum order of the surface in direction of the rolling ball.
Max Segment
Specifies the maximum number of segments for the fillet surface in direction of the rolling ball.
Internal computed best filling parameterization.
Patch 1
Parameterization is taken from the first patch.

For Advanced mode, one patch 1 is available.

Patch 2
Parameterization is taken from the second patch.
Average of parameterization from patch 1 and patch 2 is taken.
Traces have parameterization of their correspondent surface.
The parametrization is the chordal parameterization.
Independent Approximation
Independent internal approximation.

The parametrization of one fillet surface is calculated disregarding the parametrization of the neighboring fillet surfaces.

The approximations are performed independently face-by-face. Therefore, a bad control points mesh on a face cannot influence the other faces.

Deviation Display

Displays the deviations in the work area for the local connect checker in the fillet. In the 3D, the deviations are displayed for locations where the continuities are less or equal to the selected level of continuity. If you have selected G1 for fillet construction, the maximum deviations for G0 and G1 locations are displayed, but maximum deviation for G2 is not displayed.

Connection Between Fillet Cells

Displays the deviation values (within the fillet result) in the work area. When one of the Trim Support option is selected, the resulting fillet contains ribbon and the trimmed support. In this case the option analyses only the ribbon from the result fillet.

The maximum deviation values are based on the values calculated within the domain and between the domains of fillet ribbon.

Connection Between Fillet ribbon and Support
Displays the deviation values (between the fillet result and its support) in the work area.
  • When one of the Trim Support option is selected, the supports are consumed by the final fillet.

    In this case the option analyses connections between ribbon and trimmed supports.

  • When both the Trim Support options are selected, the supports are consumed by the fillet and thus connection analysis is not done between fillet and support.

Max Deviation

Displays the maximum deviation values of all the applicable continuity along with their units.

Output Result

Displays the geometric information about the fillet during creation.

The following information is available:

  • Number of cells: Displays the number of cells available in the fillet ribbon.
  • Number of domains: Displays the number of domains available in the fillet ribbon.
  • Maximum order: Displays the maximum number of order in U and V direction from all the cells of the fillet ribbon. For example: There are two cells. The first cell's order is U=5, V=4 and second cell's order is U=4 V=5. The Max. Order is displayed as U = 5, V = 5.
  • Maximum segments per cell: Displays the maximum number of segments in U and V direction from all the cells of the fillet ribbon. For example: There are two cells. The first cell has segment U=4, V=7 and second cell has segments U=8 V=5. The Max. Segments per Cell is displayed as U = 8, V = 7.

In a mono-cell fillet, the geometric information shown in the Output Result area is identical to the information displayed using the Geometric Information command. In a multiple cell fillet, this information may not be same.