Surfacic Curvature Analysis Dialog Box

The Surfacic Curvature dialog box appears when you select Surfacic Curvature Analysis command in the Analysis section.

This dialog box contains controls for:

This page discusses:


Allows you to perform the following analyses:

  • Gaussian: (Minimum Curvature) * (Maximum Curvature)
    Note: Unit for Gaussian is 1/(mm^2).
  • Square root Gaussian: SquareRoot of the Gaussian.
    Note: Unit for Square root Gaussian is 1/(mm^1).
  • Minimum: Curvature along the direction of minimal curvature.
  • Maximum: Curvature along the direction of maximal curvature.
  • Mean : (Minimum curvature + Maximum curvature) / 2
  • Limited : User-defined radius limits.
  • Inflection Area: Identifies the curvature orientation.
  • Symmetric Gaussian: Gaussian analysis with expanded range.
  • Flat Region: Allows you to indicate areas that are too flat.
  • Curvedness: Allows you to quickly see the strength of the curvature continuously distributed over a shaded surface.
  • Shape Index: Allows you to get more detailed shape information compared to a simple shaded convex-concave analysis.

Color Scale's options

Show/Hide color scale
Shows/hides the color scale's dialog box.
Color Scale's size
Allows to choose the size of the color scale.
Reset colors
Resets the colors of the color scale to default.
Inverse colors
Inverses the colors of the color scale.
Sharp mode
Switches between gradient and sharp mode color display.

Limited Radius options

Sets the radius value for the analysis computation.


Positive Only
Displays analysis values as positive values.
On The Fly
Displays the analysis results at the cursor position:
  • You can perform an On the fly analysis on the elements, selected or not, of the current 3D shape only. It is not available with the Inflection Area analysis type.
  • The curvature and radius values are displayed at the cursor location (for Gaussian analysis, only the square root of Gaussian curvature value is displayed), as well as the minimum and maximum curvature values and the minimum and maximum curvature directions. As you move the pointer over the surface, the display is dynamically updated.
  • The displayed values may vary from the information displayed as the Use Max/Use Min values, as it is the precise value at a given point (where the pointer is) and does not depend on the set discretization.
    Note: You cannot snap on point when performing an On the Fly analysis.
  • A context menu is available at any cursor position: Click and drag into the On the Fly curvature/radius label and then right-click to display the contextual commands.
    Keep Point
    Creates a point at the location of the cursor.
    Keep Value
    Keeps the values at at the location of the cursor.
    Keep Min Point
    Creates a point at the location of the minimum value.
    Keep Max Point
    Creates a point at the location of the maximum value.
    Highlights in white all parts of the element with the same curvature value as the location of the cursor.
Show Min/Max
Allows to locate the minimum and maximum values for the selected analysis type, except for Inflection Area analysis type.
No Highlight
Removes the highlight representations of the selected surfaces.
Light Source
Adds the light source effect to the shading of the surface.
Specialized Tessellation
Lets you view the analysis with specialized tessellation for better visualization within the surfacic curvature analysis command lifecycle.

For more information, see Improving Shaded Display with Specialized Tesselation.