Head Impact Analysis Dialog Box

You must have access to the ICEM Shape Morphing app.

The Head Impact Analysis dialog box appears when you select Head Impact Analysis in the Analysis Section.

This dialog box contains controls for:

This page discusses:

See Also
About Head Impact Analyses
Selects the surface geometry to be analyzed.


The analysis is based on triangulated data. That means that surfaces are converted into a facet model before they are checked.

Defines the maximum length of the facets, regardless of the surface curvature.
The analysis is executed precisely with this method, however, it requires more computing time. The smaller the value for the facet length, the more precise, but also slower is the computation.
Defines the maximum deviation of the facet model from the surface for a curvature dependent tessellation.
The surfaces are subdivided into smaller facets until the distance of the planar facets from the surfaces is smaller than this value. Through this, large facets are created on areas with a lower curvature, and smaller ones on surfaces with a stronger curvature. This method delivers a quick result, but it may lead to results that are hard to interpret.


Sharp bend
Detects sharp bends.
Detects topological edges.
Enable lighting
Defines the shading mode.
  • Selected:

    Computes the analysis using the current light source settings. Due to the different brightness values, the display has a stereoscopic effect.

  • Cleared:

    Displays the analysis independently from the light source settings. The brightness values are equal for each pixel.

Defines the radius of the sphere. A 'standard head' has an assumed radius of 80 resp. 85 mm.
Curvature Radius
Marks in red all geometry regions with curvatures being lower than this radius as critical.


Specifies additional curvature radii.

The following figures show diagnosis results with different curvature radii - at first without definition of additional safety radii.

A second curvature radius can be defined, and a surface can be selected as separating surface. The geometry areas in the direction of the surface normal on the one hand and in opposition to this normal on the other hand will then be checked with different radii.
The second curvature radius specified here will take effect on that side of the separating surface which is determined by the displayed surface normal vector.
The figure below illustrates the position of the separating surface in the example geometry.

In the following figure you can see that only two independent parts have remained of the red zone of the circle edge. The shaded display makes this particularly clear.

Individual curvature radii can be defined for a diagnosis on separate patches.

Note: The number of radii is restricted to 99.

You can select individual surface elements as input. On each selected element the radius is displayed numerically and can be modified. The text box in the dialog box displays the global default setting for each selected element.


Aligns the normals of the input elements.
Displays the normal of each shell. The normals can be inverted by clicking the manipulator handle.
Aligns automatically the normals of the input elements.
Resets the orientation of input elements.
Displays of the border of an input element when the mouse is moved over the corresponding manipulator.
With the color button, you can choose the border color.
Apply Modes
Defines the update mode of the active feature while editing it.
Feature update occurs dynamically when moving handles or editing parameter values by sliders in the dialog box.
This option is not available for each command.
Feature update occurs only after releasing the handle.
Displays a preview when geometry is modified by means of the handle and LMB pressed. The original geometry remains unchanged. Feature update occurs only after releasing the LMB.
This option is not available for each command.
Feature update occurs only after selecting Apply.

Contextual Commands of the Manipulator

Right-click the manipulator handle to display the contextual commands of the shell normal manipulators. The following options are available:

Inverts the normal direction.
Invert all
Inverts the normal direction for all manipulators.
Align all to this
Aligns all shell normals to this normal.