Manipulating Light Sources

You can illuminate the geometry with different light source types. The effect of light and shadows creates the three-dimensional impression of the geometry. You can manipulate light sources along predefined circles that are centered on the light target.

Before you begin:
  • You must have access to the ICEM Shape Morphing app.
  • Open a 3Dshape containing surfaces and activate shading.
See Also
About Light Manager
  1. From the Analysis section of the action bar, click Light Manager .
  2. In the Light Manager dialog box, click the direction light source Light.1 in the Lights table and rename it to Direction.
  3. In the work area, right-click the light source and select Manipulation Mode in the context menu.
  4. Click the light source handles to display the circular motion rails.
  5. Drag the pointer along a motion rail to modify the light direction.
  6. In the Light Source Options area, click New .
    A new light source type Direction is created.
  7. In the Type area, click Spot .
    The light source is changed to a light source type Spot.
  8. Change the light source name to Spot.
  9. In the work area, right-click the light source and select Manipulation Mode in the context menu.
  10. Click the handle representing the Y axis to move the light source along this axis.
  11. Click the handle at the end of the light source to rotate it.
  12. Click the handle at the end of the light source to move the target point.