Creating Points

OmniPoint lets you create points in the current plane or on support geometry, and edit them.

Before you begin: Open a 3D shape with curves and surfaces.
  1. From the Surfacing section of the action bar, click OmniPoint .
  2. Do one of the following:

    • In the work area, select a position to create a point in the current plane.
    • Select a position on a support.
    • Right-click to open the Selection subpanel. Define a position by specifying coordinate values or by selecting an intersection or a support.

  3. From the Surfacing section of the action bar, double-click OmniPoint .
  4. In the work area, successively click positions to create multiple points.
  5. Click OK.
  6. To edit a point that was created with the Inactive or AutoReshape update mode, double-click the point.
    • Point on a surface: Two U/V handles arrows appear to move the point along the surface.
    • Point on a curve: One tangential handle arrow appears to move the point along the curve.
    • Point on a plane: The point can be moved by clicking Go back to selection and selecting a new position.