Projecting Objects

You can project an object to another object.

You can use two commands:

  • OmniProject creates a feature. The result is always a new object.
  • OmniProjectModify creates a datum. It directly modifies the input geometry, and the resulting curve has no associativity.

Before you begin: Open a 3D Shape containing a point, a curve, and a surface.
  1. Select a curve as the object and a surface as the target.
  2. Click OmniProject or OmniProjectModify .
  3. Optional: You can click Go back to selection at any time to change the selection, define and use selection sets, or to choose another mode in the selector panel.
  4. Select Projection Direction: Normal to compute the projection in normal direction of the surface.
  5. Select the Extrapolation Type for a temporary result curve that does not reach the surface edge.
  6. Click OK.
    The projection curve is created on the target surface.