Creating Symmetry

You can modify a curve or a patch by symmetrizing it to a plane with a symmetry condition up to G3.

This task shows you how to:

Match a Patch to a Symmetry Plane

You can match a patch to a symmetry plane.

Before you begin: Open a 3DShape containing a patch and, additionally, a plane, if desired.
  1. Select a patch edge.
  2. Do one of the following:
    • Use the default symmetry plane (y=0). In this case, you don not need to select anything.
    • Select a plane, for example an OmniPlane.
  3. Click Symmetry .
    The patch is matched to the symmetry plane with G2 continuity.
  4. In the Transform section of the Sculpt panel, click Activate Transform , and select the plane.
  5. Manipulate the plane using the Robot.
    The matching is updated interactively.
  6. Click OK in the Symmetry panel.
    Symmetry.Condtion.x is created in the tree.

Match a Curve to a Symmetry Plane

You can match a curve to a symmetry plane, to obtain a G2 matching the mirrored geometry, for example.

Before you begin: Open a 3DShape containing a curve.
  1. Click Both in the V-Nav options bar to display both original and mirrored geometry.
  2. Select a curve near an endpoint.
  3. Click Symmetry .
    The curve is matched to the default symmetry plane (y=0) with G2 continuity.