Transforming using the Robot

You can move, rotate, and scale objects and subobjects along robot x, y, and z axes or in u, v, or n (normal) direction of the selected object or subobject.

This task shows you how to:


Before you begin: Use the following settings:
  1. In the Select section of the Sculpt panel, switch to the subobject selection mode .
  2. Activate Transform .
  3. In the Transform section, click Translation on axis .
  1. Select a surface.
    The robot is attached to the surface.
  2. Drag an axis to move the surface in axis direction.
  3. Select an axis plane to move the surface in the selected plane.
  4. In the More section, select Mouse Buttons in the Remote Mode box.
  5. Click anywhere in the work area.
  6. Click to move the surface in x direction, middle-click to move it in y direction, and right-click to move it in z direction.


  1. In the Transform section, click Translation on axis .
  2. Select an arc to rotate the selected surface around the respective axis.
  3. Click Remote rotation
  4. Click anywhere in the work area.
  5. Left-click and drag the pointer to rotate the surface around the x axis. Repeat it using the middle and right mouse buttons to rotate the surface around the y and z axes.


  1. In the Transform section, click Scaling on axis .
  2. Select an axis to scale the selected entity in axis direction.
  3. Select an axis plane to scale the entity in the selected plane.