Creating Curves

Creating Curves by Extracting Parts of Lines

You can create a curve by a 2-point extraction.

This task shows you how to:

Create a Curve from a Part of a Wire or a Boundary

You can create a curve from a part of a boundary curve or a wire.

Before you begin:

Open a 3D Shape containing a surface (or a wire).

  1. From the Surfacing section of the action bar, click OmniCurve .
  2. Select Extract.
  3. Select two positions on the same boundary or wire.

    Note: You can also select two points on a boundary or wire first and then click OmniCurve .

  4. Click OK.

A curve is created as an extract of the boundary or wire.

Create a Curve from a Part of a Section Line

You can create a curve from a part of a section line.

Before you begin:

Open a 3D Shape containing a surface with a section analysis result.

  1. In the Analyze panel, select Activate Analyses and Sections .
  2. In the Select section of the Sculpt panel, click Analysis Filter (I) .
  3. From the Surfacing section of the action bar, click OmniCurve .
  4. Select Extract.
  5. Select two positions on the same section line.

  6. Click OK.

A curve is created as an extract of the section line.