Creating Curves

Creating Iso Curves

You can create a curve by selecting one position on a support surface.

Before you begin:

Open a 3D Shape containing a surface.

  1. From the Surfacing section of the action bar, click OmniCurve .
  2. Select Extract.
  3. Select a position on the surface.
  4. Click the handle to switch between u and v orientation.
  5. Click OK.
  6. Click OmniCurve again.
  7. Move the mouse cursor on the surface and press H.
    The selection is locked to the support surface.
  8. Move the cursor outside the surface while keeping H pressed.
    A dotted line shows the projection to the surface boundary.

  9. Move the cursor to the endpoint of the previously created iso curve.
  10. Select the point.
  11. Do the same with the next neighbored surface.
  12. Click OK.