Analyzing Using Curvature

You can create a curvature analysis for curves and surfaces.

The curvature along a curve can be displayed in different directions. The curvature on surfaces is calculated on iso curves and displayed normal to the surface.

Before you begin: Open a 3D Shape.
  1. In the Analyze panel, click Activate Analysis and Curvature .
  2. Select elements and click Calculate in the header of the Curvature section.
    The analysis is computed.
    Curvature Analysis on a Surface

    Curvature Analysis on a Curve

    The Calculate icon turns to indicating that the analysis is active and automatically recomputed on the input objects.

  3. Change the number of Iso Curves or the Orientation in the case of an analysis on surfaces.
  4. Change the Direction in the case of an analysis on curves.
  5. Select further elements and click .
    The elements are added to the input geometry and the analysis is recomputed.
  6. Dynamically adjust the scaling and the density of the curvature display.
    1. Press and hold the u key.
    2. Move the mouse over the analysis plot until it highlights, and press and hold the left mouse button.
    3. Move the mouse horizontally to change the density.
    4. Move the mouse vertically to change the scaling.

    If the mouse pointer is in the work area and not over a curvature porcupine, the m shortcut affects all existing analyses.