Create an Inactive Element

An Inactive element is an intelligent datum element containing operation parameters information but no derived conditions.

When sculpting input elements, it is not re-computed and broken conditions - in case of the flange the matching continuity - are not restored.

Different to the simple datum element, you can recompute the datum element and restore broken conditions by double-clicking it in the work area or in the tree.

Before you begin: Open a 3DShape containing a surface.

  1. Create a flange surface in Inactive mode and exit the OmniSurf command with OK.
    An extended datum element is created and Flange-Surface.x is added to the tree.

  2. In the Sculpt panel, select Controls and Control Points and modify the base surface.
    At the transition, no continuity is displayed. The flange surface is not recomputed.

  3. Clear Controls and double-click the flange surface.
    The flange surface is recomputed and the OmniSurf panel opens.

    You can modify the parameters of the flange surface.

  4. Click OK to confirm the modification and close the OmniSurf panel.