
You can propagate elements, such as surfaces, edges, or vertices.

Before you begin: Create a 3D shape containing a subdivision surface.
  1. Select one or more elements.

    • If you select a free edge, the propagation is only performed along the free edges.
    • If you select a sharp edge, the propagation is performed along the sharp or free edges.

  2. From the Tools Palette, select one of the propagation options:

    The mouse position defines either the propagation side when there is an intersection or the propagation direction for faces.

    Linear Propagation Propagates to a free edge or a sharp edge.
    Edge selection

    Face selection

    Loop Propagation Propagates to the selected element or to a free edge.

    Fill Propagation Propagates in all directions, to a free edge or a sharp edge. It is available when you select faces or vertices.

    • If the selected edges lie on an external boundary, fill the external face.
    • If the edges have an intersection, remove the intersecting face.
    • If the mesh has a symmetry axis or plane, the mesh may lose its symmetry.
    • When no propagation is active, you can double-click to launch the linear propagation or press Shift + double-click to launch the fill propagation.
    • When a propagation is active, you can do the following:
      • Press Home to move to the next propagation
      • Press Home + Shift to move to the previous propagation
      • Press Home + Alt to move to the next rank
      • Press Home + Alt + Shift to move to the previous rank