Cutting a Subdivision Surface by an Edge

You can cut a subdivision surface by one or more edges to modify the existing mesh or create sub-parts of the mesh.

Before you begin: Create a 3D shape containing a subdivision surface.
See Also
Accessing Transformation Commands
  1. Select the subdivision surface.
  2. From the Shape Sculpt section of the action bar, click Cut by Edges .
  3. From the Tools Palette, click one of the following:
    Previous Result Lets you choose the part to keep (previous solution).
    Next Result Lets you choose the part to keep (next solution).
    Face Selection Selects a face as the border to cut.
    Edge Selection Selects an edge as the border to cut.
    Propagation Propagates the selection to all the free edges.
    New Feature Mode Only modifies the mesh. The original mesh is not kept.
    New Feature Mode Creates one mesh in the tree.
    New Feature Mode Creates all the meshes in the tree.
    Apply (Enter) Validates the command.
  4. Click Edge Selection and select one or more edges.
  5. Click Propagation to propagate the selection to all the free edges.

    It is only available with Edge Selection .

    A solution is previewed:

    Note: You can click Next Result to visualize the other possible solution: