
This section contains troubleshooting information and additional common installation procedure information.

This page discusses:

Installing the Wrong Media on Your Operating System

This section explains errors involved when installing the wrong media on your operating system.

Certain media can be installed on multiple operating systems.

Other media can only be installed on one operating system.

If you attempt to install a media specific to a different operating system from you current operating system, an error message is displayed. For example, if you attempt to install the ENOVIALiveCollaborationServer.RHEL64 media on Suse, the following message is displayed:

Error: This media cannot be installed on this 
operating system: 'linux_b64' (Linux SUSELINUX). 
This media can be installed only on the following 
operating system(s): linux_a64

Furthermore, if you attempt to install a 64-bit media on 32-bit Windows, the following message is displayed:

This media cannot be installed on a 32-bit operating system.

Cancelling the Installation

This section describes what happens when you cancel a running installation.

When you are in a dialog box that asks you a question, clicking the Cancel button produces the expected behavior: a dialog box prompts you to specify if you are sure you want to cancel. You can either proceed to cancel or resume the installation.

If you clicked the Install button in the Summary dialog box, the setup procedure starts installing the files and certain actions are performed. If you then click the Cancel button, a dialog box asks you if you are sure, but the files continue to be installed and certain actions continue to be performed until you confirm you want to cancel the installation.

Installing with StartTUI.exe

When using the StartTUI.exe command to perform an interactive text-based installation, at the end of the installation, do not enter "q" to quit the installer (this will lead to an installation that cannot be upgraded). Instead, as indicated, just press "Enter". If you don't want to launch the installed program(s), unselect it (them) by pressing the "1" key and "Enter" as usual, and then press "Enter" to exit the installer.

Installing an App with the wrong DS Installer Media

If you are using an DS Installer media that does not match the level of the app you want to install, the following may be displayed:

The current installer is not compatible with this metaTOC.
The metaTOC is too recent for the installer.
You must use the Installer media which is provided with the
product media you want to install.