Installing the Wrong Media on Your Operating System
This section explains errors involved when installing the wrong media on your operating system.
Certain media can be installed on multiple operating systems.
Other media can only be installed on one operating system.
If you attempt to
install a media
specific to a different operating system from you current operating system, an error
message is displayed. For example, if you attempt to
install the ENOVIALiveCollaborationServer.RHEL64
media on Suse, the following
message is displayed:
Error: This media cannot be installed on this operating system: 'linux_b64' (Linux SUSELINUX). This media can be installed only on the following operating system(s): linux_a64
Furthermore, if you attempt to install a 64-bit media on 32-bit Windows, the following message is displayed:
This media cannot be installed on a 32-bit operating system.