Launching the Installation

You can install the GA or hot fix software:

  • using one of the two interactive installation procedures: Graphical User Interface (GUI) mode or Text User Interface (TUI) mode.

    In an interactive installation, the setup procedure prompts you to answer questions until the installation is completed. Even thought the two methods are different, the list and the sequence of the questions are exactly the same in both cases.

  • in silent installation mode: you provide a previously generated response file to the setup, and the installation is completed without any interaction.
  • Installation will fail on Windows if the media unload directory names and/or the installation path exceed certain limits, because of the overall limit of 260 characters imposed by Windows. During installation or unzip operations, subdirectories and files will be created in the specified directories. The longest full pathname length must be limited to well within the 260 characters limit. Therefore, both unload and installation paths should be kept reasonably short to guarantee that this limit is not reached.
  • The installer cannot be run from a path name containing multibyte characters.

This task shows you how to:

Before you begin: Deactivate your anti-virus software before installing the software.

Install the Software in Graphical User Interface (GUI) Mode

This section describes how to perform an installation in GUI mode.

In this mode, the installer prompts you to answer questions in dialog boxes. On Linux, the dialog boxes are based on Motif (or OpenMotif) and require a graphics card on the Linux machine.

  1. Go to the directory to which you unloaded the app or hot fix media (V6_Product_Dir).

    For example, if you are installing the 3DSpace Service, V6_Product_Dir is:


    on Windows and:


    on Linux.

  2. Launch the installation by running the appropriate command for your operating system.

    On Windows, run the command:

    • if you belong to the Administrators group, the installation will begin
    • If you do not, you will be prompted via a UAC (User Account Control) dialog box to type an administrator password to be able to continue, and you must authorize the program to make changes on your machine.

    On Linux, run the command:


    Depending on whether the DS Installer is embedded or not in your app, the procedure differs. If the DS Installer is embedded, the installation proceeds as normal. If not, you will be prompted to specify the DS_Installer_Dir directory.

  3. If the DS Installer is not embedded, a dialog box (on Windows only) is displayed prompting you to select the DS Installer folder.

    Note that the OK button is disabled because the DS_Installer_Dir folder containing the following path and file, for example on Windows:


    has not yet been selected.

    On Linux, an error message specifies that the DS Installer was not found and instructs you to read the Readme.txt file which contains the appropriate instructions.

  4. Select the correct Installer_Dir folder.

    Remember that Installer_Dir refers to the full path of the DS Installer.

    Once you select the correct Installer_Dir folder, the OK button is enabled.

  5. Click OK to continue.

    You can avoid having to select the folder via the dialog box by launching the installation with the -installerPath parameter which specifies the Installer_Dir folder as follows:

    setup.exe -installerPath C:\Soft\Installer.Windows64
    ./ -installerPath /Soft/Installer.SLES64

    A progress bar appears

    Reinstalling the media in the event of installation errors

    Errors may occur when installing any media using the DS Installer infrastructure. In the event of installation failure, you now have the opportunity to start the failed installation again, without having to uninstall and reinstall everything. This applies both to GA and HF installations.

    If the installer detects an incomplete installation, a dialog box will inform you that you can restart the installation:

    An incomplete installation has been found in this directory.
    You can restart the installation, or exit the installer and uninstall.

    However, if the installation fails after database objects have been created, for example when installing 3DEXPERIENCE platform services, the database objects will not be restored.

Install the Software in Text User Interface (TUI) Mode

This section describes how to perform an installation in TUI mode.

In this mode, the machine does not need a graphics card. The installer prompts you to answer questions in text mode.

  1. Open a Command Prompt window on Windows or a shell window on Linux.

    The command must be launched from an elevated Command Prompt window.

  2. Go to the directory to which you unloaded the app media (V6_Product_Dir).

    For example, if you are installing the Live Collaboration Server, V6_Product_Dir is:


    on Windows and:


    on Linux.

  3. Launch the installation by running the appropriate command for your operating system.

    Depending on whether the DS Installer is embedded or not in your app, the procedure differs. If the DS Installer is embedded, the installation proceeds as normal. If not, you will be prompted to specify the Installer_Dir directory.

    In that case, launch the installation with the -installerPath parameter which specifies the Installer_Dir directory as follows:

    StartTUI.exe -installerPath C:\Soft\DS_Installer.Windows64
    ./ -installerPath /Soft/DS_Installer.SLES64
    Note: On Windows, you can also run the following command, in order to display the same dialog box as the one displayed using the GUI mode, prompting you to specify the DS_Installer_Dir folder:
    StartTUI.exe -UI

    Select the correct DS_Installer_Dir folder in exactly the same way as in GUI mode, then click OK to continue.

    Text output like the following text is displayed, for example:

    C:\Soft\BusinessProcessServices.Windows64\1>StartTUI.exe -UI
    64-bit OS
    No installer in the current media
    C:\Soft\ENOVIABusinessProcessServices.Windows64\1\inst\common\win_b64.installos found, os win_b64
    C:\Soft\DS_Installer-V6R2022x.Windows64\DS_Installer.Windows64Installer Media:
    Logs are located in "C:\Users\ADMINI~1\AppData\Local\Temp\InstallData-2011_06_21-182634\log\2011_06_21-182634\"
    Logs are located in "C:\Users\ADMINI~1\AppData\Local\Temp\InstallData-2011_06_21-182634\log\CODE\win_b64\\"
    *****R2022x Business Process Services ENOVIA Server installation path*****
    Specify where ENOVIA Server Install directory files exists.
    Input q and hit Enter to quit. Just press Enter to continue.
    Default [C:\enoviaV6R2022x\server]:

  4. Answer the questions until the end of the procedure.


    The questions differ from one app to another.

    If you want to continue with the default value, press Enter. If you want to modify the value, type the value then press Enter.

    If you want to go back to the previous question, clear the default entry, or quit the installation, special commands are available. Entries beginning with the "!" character are considered as special commands:

    • type !b to get the previous page.
    • type !c to clear the default value.
    • type !q and hit Enter to quit.

    If you want to have an entry beginning with a "!" which is not a command, you must precede it by an additional "!". For example, if the question is to enter a password, and if your password is !toto, you must write !!toto. And if you want to enter !!toto, you must write !!!toto (and so on).

    If you write a unauthorized command (for example !z ), the following error message will be displayed:

    !z is not a permitted command. To input it, you need to enter !!z.
    See the installer documentation for more information.

    All or part of the following instructions are automatically indicated in each question, according to the different possibilities for each question:

    Input !b to get the previous page. Input !c to
    clear the default value. Input !q and hit Enter to quit. Just press
    Enter to continue.

    This is how to fill in check boxes and radio buttons.

    Some, all or none of the check boxes can be selected. For radio buttons, only one choice is possible.

    Check boxes are identified by[ ]:

    1 [ ] : unselected check box
    2 [X] : selected check box

    Radio buttons are identified by ( ):

    1 ( ) : unselected radio button
    2 (X) : selected radio button

    T o check or uncheck a check box, enter its corresponding number and press Enter.

    To change the selected radio button, enter the number associated to the new desired choice and press Enter (this will automatically unselect the previous choice).

    According to the installer's configuration, the Select All and Select None choices may be available.

    Then, you can either use numbers 1 to n as usual, or you can enter 0 and press Enter in order to unselect all the check boxes, or enter -1 and press Enter in order to select all.

    Similarly, there are messages for which you can have several choices, for example when an error occurs:

    *****V6R2022x Live Collaboration Server Oracle Server Connection Parameters*****
    TNS_ADMIN directory
    Input !b to get the previous page. Input !q and hit Enter to quit. Just press Enter to continue.
    Default [C:\oracle\product\<Oracle12cR2>\NETWORK\ADMIN]:
    Incorrect value for "TNS_ADMIN directory".
    C:\oracle\product\<Oracle12cR2>\NETWORK\ADMIN directory not found.
    [1] OK
    [T] Show technical details
    Please choose an action:

    In this case, enter 1 and press Enter to answer the question again, or enter T and press Enter to see the technical details. Show technical details is not really a choice, but an option allowing you to see the technical details about the error, but then you still have to select a choice.

    Note: In the example above, you have only one choice (OK), so you can either enter 1 and press Enter or directly press Enter.

    Reinstalling the media in the event of installation errors

    Errors may occur when installing any media using the DS Installer infrastructure. In the event of installation failure, you now have the opportunity to start the failed installation again, without having to uninstall and reinstall everything. This applies both to GA and HF installations.

    If the installer detects an incomplete installation, a dialog box will inform you that you can restart the installation:

    An incomplete installation has been found in this directory.
    You can restart the installation, or exit the installer and uninstall.

    However, if the installation fails after database objects have been created, for example when installing 3DEXPERIENCE platform services, the database objects will not be restored.

Install the Software in Silent Mode

In a silent installation, you provide a response file recorded during a previous interactive installation to the installation program. Your app is then installed without any user interaction.

  1. Retrieve the response file from the previous installation in InstallPath/InstallData, V6R2022x GA and HF responses files are present: UserIntentions_CODE.xml, UserIntentions_CODE_424.3.xml

    The response file is generated automatically by either a previous GUI mode or TUI mode installation. It contains the responses to questions you were asked during the previous installation. The file name and path is:


    For example, after installing the Live Collaboration Server on Windows, the path would be:


    After retrieving the response file, you can put it in any location you like.

    Note: The response file does not capture the location of the DS Installer core files.

    A response file is specific to:

    • a particular operating system: response files are different between Windows and Linux
    • a particular application media
    • a particular level:
      • a response file captured on level R2021x GA cannot be applied to a R2022x GA or a R2021x HF
      • a response file captured on a R2021x HF1 cannot be applied to a R2022x HF1 or R2021x HF2

  2. Edit the response file.

    The list of variables you can edit is as follows:

    • path values
    • text values
    • port number values
    • passwords.

      As the installation does not store passwords in the UserIntentions_CODE.xml file, the response file must be modified to provide passwords. Password keywords are declared in SetVariableProtected XML elements.

      For example:

      <SetVariableProtected name="BBD_PASSWD" value="Put your password here."/>

      Replace the text Put your password here by the password, and replace SetVariableProtected by SetVariable.

      For example:

      <SetVariable name="BBD_PASSWD" value="p@ssw0rd"/>

    Boolean variables must never be changed from TRUE to FALSE or vice versa, because this changes the sequence and the list of the installation questions, and the answers may not be found in the response file.

    The response file must be:

    • XML "well-formed"
    • UTF8 encoded.

  3. Launch the silent installation.

    You launch the silent installation in the same manner as in console mode using the StartTUI program, except that you must specify the --silent option followed by the full path name of the response file.

    If the DS Installer core files are embedded in the app, run the following command on Windows:

    StartTUI.exe --silent C:\UserIntentions_CODE.xml

    and on Linux:

    ./ --silent /UserIntentions_CODE.xml

    Optionally, you can specify the --xmlreport option to generate an XML file which generates an installation error report in XML format:

    ./ --silent /UserIntentions_CODE.xml --xmlreport reportfilepath

    for example:

    ./ --silent /UserIntentions_CODE.xml --xmlreport C:\tmp\Report.xml

    An XML file is created and can be parsed. The file contains a list of <Message> elements contained inside a <Logs> element. Here is a list of the attributes:

    • id: a unique identifier for each error. If the id ends with ".0", it means that the message is not an error
    • message: the error message, localized in the user language
    • techMessage: the technical message
    • msgCatalog: the name of the CATNls file (if any)
    • msgKey: the name of the key inside the file (if any)
    • type: the error type (info / warn / error / fatal).

    If the DS Installer core files are NOT embedded in the app, run the following command on Windows:

    StartTUI.exe -installerPath DS_Installer_Dir --silent C:\UserIntentions_CODE.xml

    and on Linux:

    ./ -installerPath DS_Installer_Dir --silent /UserIntentions_CODE.xml
    Note: On Windows, we recommended that you unload/uncompress the media to a directory with a full path length not exceeding 180 characters.