You can create a draught stop to prevent spreading of fire, sound, etc.
There can be an open space between the upper deck and the top of walls, cabins, ceiling, and so on. The fire can easily spread through this area. The draught stops are planar multi-panels made of insulation material to stop or limit the propagation of fire.
Before you begin: Activate a 3D shape representation.
From the Generic Insulation section of the action bar, click Draught Stop.
In the Draught Stop panel,
select a draught stop category and enter the title of the draught stop object.
You can keep the default title derived from the selected type.
In the Support box, select a support for the draught stop.
You can select surface, plane, or output profile.
In case of an output profile, the draught stop is created in the direction normal to the support of the sketch.
You can select multiple supports and click Element List... to manage multiselection.
Specify an offset for the selected support.
You can select Common Offset to apply offset to all the selected supports.
You can set offset to individual supports in the Element List dialog box.
Under Limits, specify the limits.
You can select surface, plane, or output profile as a limit.
You can apply offset to the limits and change the orientation of the limits, in the dialog box or using handles in the 3D area.
Under Material, Thickness & Orientation,
specify the material, thickness, and thickness orientation for the draught stop.
If a draught stop material table is set in Data Setup, the materials appear in the Material list. Otherwise, you
can click More... to import or search, and select the required
Click OK.
The draught stop is created.
Support: Surface/Plane
Support: Output Profile
1: Support of the draught stop.
2: Limits
1: Support of the draught stop.
2: Limits
Optional: To edit the draught stop, select the draught stop feature in the 3D area or in the tree, and click Edit Draught Stop on the context toolbar.