Administering Settings Using the DSYOptionsAdmin Tool

As explained earlier, storing settings in the database establishes a strong link between settings customization and the P&O security model because settings are associated with the project referenced at logon time and not with a runtime environment.

As in file-based settings mode, it is also possible to set up a concatenation of settings organized in an administration hierarchy. However, the administration hierarchy in settings in database mode is inherited directly from the P&O project hierarchy which is organized in the form of a project tree.

The DSYOptionsAdmin tool allows you to edit the settings hierarchy directly. The tool provides the following benefits and features:

  • the tool which is started via a logon process requiring you to connect to a security context providing the P&O administrator rights granted by the VPLMAdmin role
  • once logged onto the tool, you can display the entire project tree and expand all levels of the tree to access all projects and set the appropriate settings for all projects in a single editing session.

  1. To start the tool, go to the following directory in the native app installation folder, for example:

    C:\Program Files\Dassault

  2. Enter the command:

    DSYOptionsAdmin.exe -admin

    The Connect dialog box is displayed:

  3. Set up the Data Source.

    In our example, we use a bootstrap file to select a previously configured data source.

  4. Specify the P&O administrator User Name and Password.

    For example, this could be VPLMAdminUser (or PLMADM):

  5. Click the Options... button and choose the appropriate security context referencing the VPLMAdmin role:

  6. Click the OK button then the Finish button, and finally the OK button to start the tool.

    The ENOVIA Settings Administration dialog box appears:

    Projects are represented in a tree view showing their hierarchy on the server. Our example illustrates the default project tree view resulting from a default installation. It contains the following projects:

    • Standard
    • Engineering
    • Default (which must be expanded to access the Default project).

    The virtual tree root My settings database at the top of the tree view serves as a root project for all the projects in the server.

    For the purposes of this scenario and for the sake of simplicity, all projects in this example are located on the same administration level. If there are several levels in your project tree, you can expand a project by clicking the + symbol next to the project's parent, or by selecting the project and clicking the icon (the Expand icon) or the Project > Expand Selected Project command, or by simply selecting the Project > Expand All Projects command.

  7. To edit settings linked to a specific project, select the project name in the project tree, then click the icon (the Edit project icon) or select theProject > Edit Selected Project command to display the Options dialog box:

  8. Set the options as desired (by providing values for and/or locking the parameters) then click the OK button to save your settings in the database on the server.

    For example, if you edit and lock settings for the Standard project, end users logging onto a session via a security context referencing the Standard project will inherit the locked settings.

    You can continue selecting projects and editing settings within the same session.

  9. To export settings from one project and import them into another, select the initial project, click the icon then select the destination project. Or, select the initial project, then select the appropriate export command. You will be prompted to select the project to which you want to export the settings, then click the OK button and select the destination project.
    ALL settings from the initial project are copied to the destination project.