Attributes | Value |
MCADInteg-TypeFormatMapping | component|INV Component,prt
component|INV Component Template,prt
presentation|INV Presentation,drw
presentation|INV Presentation Template,drw
assembly|INV Assembly,asm
assembly|INV Assembly Template,asm
drawing|INV Drawing,drw
drawing|INV Drawing Template,drw
preview|INV Drawing,Image
preview|INV Presentation,Image
componentFamily|INV Part Factory,prt
componentInstance|INV iPart,prt
assemblyFamily|INV Assembly Factory,asm
assemblyInstance|INV iAssembly,asm
preview|Derived Output,Image
preview|INV Component,Image
preview|INV Assembly,Image
preview|INV iAssembly,Image
preview|INV Part Factory,Image
preview|INV iPart,Image
preview|INV Assembly Factory,Image
attachment|INV Drawing,drw
attachment|INV Presentation,drw
attachment|INV Component,prt
attachment|INV Assembly,asm
attachment|INV Attachment,obj
dwf|INV Drawing,DWF
dwf|INV Presentation,DWF
dwf|Derived Output,DWF
dwf|INV Component,DWF
dwf|INV Assembly,DWF
dwf|INV Part Factory,DWF
dwf|INV iPart,DWF
dwf|INV Assembly Factory,DWF
dwf|INV iAssembly,DWF
pdf|INV Drawing,PDF
pdf|INV Presentation,PDF
pdf|Derived Output,PDF
pdf|INV Component,PDF
pdf|INV Assembly,PDF
pdf|INV Part Factory,PDF
pdf|INV iPart,PDF
pdf|INV Assembly Factory,PDF
pdf|INV iAssembly,PDF
step214|Derived Output,STEP AP214
step214|INV Component,STEP AP214
step214|INV Assembly,STEP AP214
step214|INV Part Factory,STEP AP214
step214|INV iPart,STEP AP214
step214|INV Assembly Factory,STEP AP214
step214|INV iAssembly,STEP AP214
step203|Derived Output,STEP AP203
step203|INV Component,STEP AP203
step203|INV Assembly,STEP AP203
step203|INV Part Factory,STEP AP203
step203|INV iPart,STEP AP203
step203|INV Assembly Factory,STEP AP203
step203|INV iAssembly,STEP AP203
cgr|INV Component,CGR
cgr|INV Assembly,CGR
cgr|INV Part Factory,CGR
cgr|INV iPart,CGR
cgr|INV Assembly Factory,CGR
cgr|INV iAssembly,CGR | MCADInteg-BusTypeMapping | assembly|INV Assembly
component|INV Component
drawing|INV Drawing
presentation|INV Presentation
componentInstance|INV iPart
componentFamily|INV Part Factory
assemblyInstance|INV iAssembly
assemblyFamily|INV Assembly Factory
preview|Derived Output
dwf|Derived Output
step203|Derived Output
step214|Derived Output
pdf|Derived Output
attachment|INV Attachment
All derived output cad types with name starting with "userfile_"
mapped in the MCADInteg-BusTypeMapping attribute of the GCO will have
the automatic and background selection disabled. These options are disabled
because these derived outputs need to be generated explicitily by the
user. | MCADInteg-RelMapping | CADSubcomponent|to,CAD SubComponent
CADDrawing|from,Associated Drawing
CADPresentation|from,Associated Drawing
CADInstanceOf|to,Instance Of
CADDerivedSubcomponent|to,Derived Component
DerivedOutputOf|to,Derived Output
INVattachment|to,INV Attachment
ViewableOf|to,Viewable | MCADInteg-TypePolicyMapping | INV Presentation|Design TEAM Definition
INV Drawing|Design TEAM Definition
INV Assembly|Design TEAM Definition
INV Component|Design TEAM Definition
INV iPart|Design TEAM Definition
INV iAssembly|Design TEAM Definition
INV Part Factory|Design TEAM Definition
INV Assembly Factory|Design TEAM Definition
INV Component Template|Design TEAM Resource
INV Assembly Template|Design TEAM Resource
INV Drawing Template|Design TEAM Resource
INV Presentation Template|Design TEAM Resource
INV Attachment|Derived Output TEAM Policy
Derived Output|Derived Output TEAM Policy
CgrViewable|Viewable TEAM Policy
ThumbnailViewable|Viewable TEAM Policy | MCADInteg-RelationShipClassMapping | CADSubcomponent|AssemblyLike
DerivedOutputOf|DerivedOutputLike | MCADInteg-CreateDerivedOutputObj
| This attribute is not applicable and by default the connector creates a derived object and
saves it as a separate object for the generated CAD file.
| MCADInteg-TypeDerivedOutputMapping
| assembly|preview,dwf,step203,step214,pdf,cgr
assemblyFamily|preview,dwf,step203,step214,pdf,cgr | MCADInteg-TypeClassMapping
| TYPE_CADMODEL_LIKE|assembly,component,drawing,componentFamily,assemblyFamily,presentation
TYPE_OBJECT_WITHOUTFILE_LIKE|componentInstance,assemblyInstance | MCADInteg-RenameFilesInServer
| MCADInteg-EnableHashcodeComputation
| MCADInteg-NonSupportedCharacters
| /\|<>*$?;:@,[]{}%'#&
| MCADInteg-TypeChangeMapping
| component|componentFamily
| IEF-TypeTemplateMapping
| component|INV Component Template
assembly|INV Assembly Template
drawing|INV Drawing Template
| IEF-Pref-MCADInteg-DefaultTypePolicySettings
| (DEFAULTVALUE)INV Assembly|Design TEAM Definition
(DEFAULTVALUE)INV Component|Design TEAM Definition
(DEFAULTVALUE)INV Presentation|Design TEAM Definition
(DEFAULTVALUE)INV Drawing|Design TEAM Definition
(DEFAULTVALUE)INV iPart|Design TEAM Definition
(DEFAULTVALUE)INV Part Factory|Design TEAM Definition
(DEFAULTVALUE)INV iAssembly|Design TEAM Definition
(DEFAULTVALUE)INV Assembly Factory|Design TEAM Definition | MCADInteg-CADToMxRelAttribMapping | CADSubComponent,relativeXform|CAD SubComponent,Spatial Location
| IEF-CSEDerivedOutputOptions | Function: Specifies the options / parameters used for creating derived outputs (automatic) of format preview. Syntax: <FitView>|<Orientation> Possible values: FitView: true, false Orientation: FrontView,BackView,LeftView,RightView,TopView,BottomView,TopRightIsometricView,TopLeftIsometricView,BottomRightIsometricView,BottomLeftIsometricView.
| MCADInteg-UnlockedModifiedReporting | Function
: This attribute governs the Lock On the Fly
function. Enable this to avoid concurrent modification of a design by another
user, you can lock the design when you open it for
modification. Possible
By default, the value is False. Set the value to 'TRUE' to enable the Lock/Unlock functionality in the RMB on save
context. |
Additional notes for GCO updates:- If the GCO you edited had been assigned to any
users, update the assignment. For more details on updating assignments, see Global Design Management | X-CAD Design Management - Installation and Administration | Assigning Collaborative Products | Updating Assignments and Assigning GCO.
- The attributes IEF-AssignCADModelNameFromPart and IEF-EBOMSynchOnDesignCreation
flags are not applicable for Inventor. Inventor
does not support the Part Association feature. By default, the values
for attributes, IEF-AssignCADModelNameFromPart and IEF-EBOMSynchOnDesignCreation
should be set to FALSE.
IEF-CSELaunchBinaryDetails is deprecated. The Launch CAD tool feature is not available.