About Workspaces

A workspace is a collection of folders that contain objects, documents and other information that you use while working with Connector for Inventor.

The Manage Workspace feature of Connector for Inventor is used to view and manage files stored in 3DEXPERIENCE using a web browser.

Update Feature Behavior

When you update a file that is writable on the disk from the local workspace manager, then the file is made read-only.

When you update a file that is read-only on disk, then upon update, the file is overwritten and is left as read-only.

Revert Feature Behavior

When a file which is not locked by the user is reverted,

  • If the file is already read-only, then it remains read-only after reverting.
  • If the file is already writable, then it is made read-only after reverting.

When a file that is locked by the user is reverted,

  • If the file is already "writable" then it remains "writable" after reverting.
  • If the file is already "read-only" then it is made "writable" after reverting.