More precisely, the interface connection allows you to:
The Interface-based Connection command uses hooking points to place or connect components in a more intuitive way. Hooking points are context toolbars displayed in the 3D area to facilitate placement or connection. You can click them to place or connect a component. Each hooking point represents an axis system, which is the driving object for the displacement or the connection. There are two kinds of hooking points: standard hooking points and discipline hooking points. Standard hooking points are used to move components. If no unused discipline hooking point exists, standard hooking points are generated automatically. There are two standard hooking points: a hooking point based on an axis system generated on the component's origin (Global Axis); a hooking point based on an axis system generated on the component's bounding box (Bounding Box Base Axis). Discipline hooking points are used to connect components and are based on mechanical interfaces. For more information more about mechanical interfaces, see Part Design User's Guide: Working with Mechanical Interfaces: Creating a Mechanical Interface. Mechanical interfaces aggregate some specifications for the mechanical connection you want to create (for example: engineering connection type). Based on mechanical interfaces, a discipline hooking point is a set of specifications used to create an engineering connection (it is named a "half-engineering connection"). Compatible hooking points have the same set of specifications. To create a mechanical connection, connect two compatible discipline hooking points. The Options dialog box appears when you create or edit interface connections and manages hooking points displays: