Design Range Management

The Mechanical Systems Design app supports design range management. When you create new content, you must specify the associated design range. Normal range is the default option and is sufficient in the majority of cases. For more information, see 3DEXPERIENCE Native Apps: Introducing Design Range Management.

This page discusses:


The design range lets you define the dimensions of product structure elements using the following ranges:

  • Normal range (default range)
  • Small range
  • Large range
  • Extra large range
In Mechanical Systems Design, the design range defines the accuracy of a geometry modeling and the tolerance of constraints (engineering connections). It consists of:
  • a linear and angular tolerance
  • a work area
  • design limits

Table 1. Normal Range Values
Parameter Description Value
Linear Tolerance minimal distance between two points below which the points are considered to coincide 0.001mm
Angular Tolerance minimal angle value between two points below which the points are considered to coincide 1e-9rad
Working area area in which precision and tolerance are guaranteed 1e6mm
Minimum Feature Size recommended minimum dimension of a feature 0.1mm
Maximum Part Size recommended maximum dimension of a part 10000mm

The values for the other ranges are the following:

  • Small range values = Normal range values / 100
  • Large range values = Normal range values *100
  • Extra large range values = Large range values *100
Note: The design range applies to products and representations at their creation, and you cannot modify it afterward.


To display the appropriate units, the design range uses the following commands and related functionalities:

  • Engineering connections,
  • Constraint visualization and related rulers,
  • Mechanism player and kinematic rulers,
  • Component degrees of freedom,
  • Understand mode in B.I. Essentials,
  • Smart positioning,
  • Free move and constrained move with the Robot.
  • Gravity dialog,
  • Motors definition dialog box,
  • Play parameters dialog box.

Engineering Connections

An engineering connection created to relate components belonging to the active product inherits of the range of the active product.

An engineering connection created to relate components that do not belong to the active product (contextual engineering connection), the engineering connection inherits the range of the first common parent product.

Consequently, under an engineering connection node you can have engineering connections with different design ranges.

The minimum tolerance detected by the constraint solver is the lower limit of the range.

Length units for the current range are available and displayed in:

  • distance value,
  • distance edition,
  • fix in space translations,
  • constraint visualization in the 3D area.