Animating Using 3D Handles

The Mechanism player activates rulers to directly control values that are assigned to commands in the mechanism.

A value box can also be displayed in the 3D for each command in the mechanism.

Before you begin: As indicated in the Mechanism Manager, you must define a mechanism to animate it.
  1. Select the mechanism to review in the tree.
  2. From the Mechanical Systems Design section of the action bar, click Mechanism Player in the action bar.
    The Mechanism Player appears.
  3. Move the pointer on a product in the 3D.
    A handle—also referred to as a ruler is displayed in the 3D for each command in the mechanism.

    The ruler type is command–dependent. The ruler displayed is the nearest to the pointer that can be used.

    Important: If a joint has commands assigned to it and involve multiple degrees of freedom (DOFs), then only one command-ruler is displayed at a time. The other DOF values for the joint are displayed but cannot be directly manipulated; this rule applies to cylindrical and screw joints.

    Consider the above example, the command is assigned to a cylindrical joint; both angle and length DOFs can be controlled. In this case, as you move the pointer, the length-ruler along with the current command value appear (marked by the arrow). The angle value is also displayed. If the angle-ruler appears instead, the length value is displayed.

    For more information, see About Engineering Connections.

  4. Optional: To display the value box, click the command current value (marked by the arrow).
    The value box appears.
    Important: The current value shown in the 3D value box might be slightly different from the value that appears in the Mechanism Player slider and the value box. The ruler rounds up to the nearest value in the 3D.
  5. Assign a value to a command using one of the following techniques:
    • Click anywhere to start the manipulation. Alternatively, drag the ruler pointer within the ruler range.
    • Type a value directly in the value box.
  6. Once you finish adjusting the value for a specific command, repeat step 3 to select another command.
  7. When you are done reviewing the mechanism, click Close.