Animating with the Mechanism Player

You can use the Mechanism Player to provide direct control over the values that are assigned to commands in the mechanism. It also allows you to control multiple commands simultaneously.

Before you begin:
  1. Optional: From the standard area of the action bar, click Update .
    The mechanism and all of its references are updated.
  2. Select the mechanism to review in the tree.
  3. From the Mechanical Systems Design section of the action bar, click Mechanism Player in the action bar.
    The Mechanism Player dialog box appears.

    If an incident is detected during the animation, a message appears. You can access the immersive Incident Diagnosis dialog box by clicking to analyze and solve the problem. See Diagnosing Computation Incidents.

    A slider and value box are displayed for each command in the mechanism. The commands specified in assembled mechanisms are grouped into individual frames.

    If multiple commands are linked in the mechanism, adjusting the value for one command will update the linked commands automatically.


    You can lock command values for a mechanism that is partially defined by clicking . A partially defined mechanism is identified by the color-coded status icon .

    For more information, see Locking and Unlocking Commands and About the Mechanism Manager.

  4. Assign a value to a command using one of the following techniques:
    • Drag the slider.
    • Type a value directly in the value box.
    • Use the arrows to step through values or select values directly.

    To reset a mechanism to its nominal value, click . To reset all mechanisms to their nominal values, click Reset All.

  5. Right-click the value box, and then specify the following settings:
    Change step Modifies the value incrementation that is applied when you click the arrows in the value box.
    Note: Incrementation is set to 1 by default.
    Previous values Selects values from a list of previously applied command values.
    Range Edits the upper and lower limits for the command value.
    Note: This option is available only if limits have been defined on the engineering connection. For more information, see About Limits.
  6. Click Close.